Category Archives: Arts & Culture

Eve Muses While Writing Essays


Here’s an idea: thought’s main purpose is to make sense of our environment in order to survive in it and make more humans, right? Which is why there’s no real thought inside the womb; it isn’t needed to avert death. You’ve got everything you need: umbilical sustenance, amniotic protection, big-screen TV. So this would logically […]


My response to The Atheist Test


The Atheist Test is an attack on the theory of evolution, and misuses logic terribly. One of the arguments in the tract is that evolution cannot explain the banana’s design, and yet the evidence for this is even more ridiculous than its big bang analogy. There is no way to respond to it, except with […]


For the record…


I’ve finished my Astrophysics assignment, and studied for my exam today. All I have to do is write it. In the meantime, I should be allowed to blog, right? So, for the record: You are a GRAMMAR GOD! If your mission in life is not already to preserve the English tongue, it should be. Congratulations […]


How cool a name is Quaoar?


I think Quaoar might replace Extopalopaketl as the name I’m going to give to my first-born. Wouldn’t you love to be named after a planetoid? No? Well, it’s better than Dweezil. A new planetoid has been found that’s even further than Quaoar. To paraphrase the report: A frigid, planet-like body about three-quarters the size of […]




Un Bel Di


Been listening to Madama Butterfly instead of studying. Butterfly’s Aria, One Fine Day (midi!), always gets to me. Certain versions will bring me to tears. The performance I’m currently listening to isn’t one of those versions, and I yearn for the production I saw a few years ago in Toronto. The staging was magnificent, and […]


Shia LaBoeuf


My goal is to become the first site Googled for the “Shia LaBoeuf” search string. I will attempt to mention Shia as much as possible, and I encourage all and sundry to make references as well, attaching a guzzling cakes hyperlink to his name like so: I find Shia LaBoeuf to be a seminal actor […]
